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Mario Kart DS





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A quick update to make things feel a little more "like home."

In other news, I really have never seen the point of April Fool's day. I mean, I'm sure there's some religious absolution for the existence of a day where one can commit a rather common, yet bad sin (lying) and completely rid oneself of the guild simply by shouting a few magic words (April Fools!) within a given time frame. Confessionals should not be near as crowded today as they are during the rest of the year. While this is viewing religious ramifications of the holiday from a purely human standpoint, I do rest in the knowledge that God, whomever, whatever, or whenever that may be does indeed celebrate this peculiar holiday...after all, I can find several instances of a higher being's "April Fools". I just have to turn on my TV and watch any news channel.

(NetWatcher's fair and balanced opinion. I report, you decide.)

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