I go to send an e-mail the other day, something I enjoy doing from time to time, and I realize that I can no longer send e-mail from my computer. Yay! So I dial up BellSouth tech support, and get the standard Indian-trying-to-speak-with-an-American-accent tech guy, who proceeds to tell me that I'll need to be using BellSouth's SMTP server from now on if I want to send mail. I politely inform him that the entire reason I have an SMTP server on my computer is that I don't want to use BellSouth's server, and ask him what I need to do to get port 25 unblocked.
He then tells me that Vishnu has commanded that any residential DSL customers who want the freedom of, say, e-mail, will have to upgrade to a commercial package. It's all good, though, because they can get me this great deal that only adds about $50 to my phone bill to give me access that an ISP should give me anyway.
RoadRunner, here I come.